If the Son Sets You Free...
"Truly, truly I say to you, eveyone who commits sin is the slave of sin..." (John 8:34)
"...for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved." (2 Peter 2:19b)
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)
The seven days I spent in Mexico last week were some of the most joyous (and yet humbling) I have ever experienced. Although much of my time was spent in the technical ministry, a few times I was privileged to serve our great King by personally sharing the gospel with several people. The most memorable of whom was a young man (I forgot his name, so I will refer to Him as Mateo) living in a small, quiet village outside of Caborca.
That evening Lynn Paasch, Victor (a member of the Mexican team), and myself were assigned as a diagnostic team and we were instructed to go out into the village to 1) invite people come see the Jesus film that night and 2) to share the gospel with them directly both through the tapes and tracts as well as conversation. When we arrived at the last house on our route, we saw a small child sticking his face over a wall who was probably wondering why funny-looking gringos were walking up to his house. Victor, Lynn, and I walked over to the other side of the wall and there we found Mateo. After some brief introductions, Lynn asked me to share the gospel with him in English and she would translate.
My mind raced rather quickly as I wondered what would be an appropriate starting point to begin our immensely important discussion. And so I asked him the first logical question:
"Have you ever heard of Jesus?"
He had. After further inquiry, we discovered that he had been to church before but wasn't really into it. Hoping to keep our conversation direct and simple, I asked:
"Do you understand what Jesus did on the cross?"
He slowly shook his head.
I immediately began a brief explanation of sin and forgiveness, emphasizing that sin wouldn't just give him a bad life, but if it was never atoned for, then he will spend eternity in hell. From there, I spoke of God's holiness and why He MUST judge sin. And, of course, this led the way to the Good News that God offered forgiveness and reconciliation to him if he repented and believed that when Jesus died on the cross, his debt was paid in full.
Mateo seemed very open to hearing the gospel message even though there were times that I felt I wasn't communicating very clearly, but Lynn did such an brilliant job of translating and continuing the conversation after I had finished. Shortly afterward, we exchanged goodbyes and handed him a few tracts.
Please, continue to pray for Mateo and countless others who heard gospel during our stay in Mexico. Ask that God would open their eyes to the seriousness of their sin, and their need for the Savior.
By the way, I was able to snap a quick photo of Mateo at an opportune moment because I saw an immensely strong parallel between his bodily position and his spiritual condition. In the picture, it seems as if Mateo is imprisoned behind bars, anxious and longing for freedom from his helpless estate. In reality, he's just leaning a against a wall. But spiritually speaking, Mateo is enslaved to his sin and in bondage to the devil; he is lost and without hope. He desperately needs Christ to tear off his shackles of sin and give him a new life and new heart. Mateo needs a Savior.
There is a powerful application for those of us who have already repented and believed in Christ:
"But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching which you were committed, and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." (Romans 6:17-18)
Praise be to our great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that we are no longer slaves to sin, but obedient and humble servants working in the service of His Kingdom till death takes us to be with Him forever and ever.
privileged to serve,
Jonathan David Roberts